The Diagnosis

Custom-tailored Strategy for emerging apparel brands

Strategy Session + Brand Blueprint – $500

The Diagnosis is the first phase in preparing your brand for growth.

During our 60-minute session, we get under the hood of your brand and map the path to your definition of success by taking a look at what you have and what you want.

The Diagnosis is for apparel brand owners looking to:

  • Increase efficiency
  • Organize Production and Fulfillment
  • Plan for excellent Customer Service
  • Identify options for Brand Expansion

Your Blueprint includes:

  • Your top 3 priorities for your identified goal.
  • Action steps and proposed timeline.
  • Resources to consider to help you along the way.

Strategy Session + Brand Blueprint – $500

What you should know

  • Our 60-minute session is facilitated as a casual conversation where you are encouraged to lay it all out for me.
  • The investment for this session is $500, through this link only.
  • Everything we speak about is held in the strictest confidence.
  • We’ll come to agreement on your next steps during our call. We’ll also determine if you need additional assistance moving through your Blueprint.
  • You’ll receive a link to your finalized Blueprint within 7 business days.
  • Have questions after your session? No problem! Your session fee includes an additional 2 weeks of Q&A.
  • Your session fee includes one (1) rescheduled session.

Strategy Session + Brand Blueprint – $500

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