Why create your brand toolbox?
Because the key to living your best brand life and not having to go back and forth with clients is to be prepared.
Being prepared runs alongside being organized.
Being organized can be the difference between a campaign, feature, or new client/sale. So creating your brand toolbox is definitely a good thing.
Where to create your brand toolbox.
Your brand. Your choice. Depending on what the item is, you may end up with different file types created or stored on different platforms. In this instance, have one place where you keep links to everything – like a home base.
No matter where you store it, you should take care to be consistent with naming files. This cuts down on time spent searching and serves to identify your brand when sharing items in your toolbox outside of your organization. Check out my post on Naming Conventions for further explanation.
What goes in your brand toolbox:
Don’t panic if you don’t have all of these things at once. As you come to them be sure to add them to the toolbox and the listing.
- Your logo – jpg, transparent png and vector eps formats.
- Headshots + pics
- Bio
- Contact Info, including social links
- Service Guide
- Welcome Kit
- Testimonials
- Press placements/mentions of you (PDF + link)
- Press placements/mentions of your clients (PDF + link)
- Documented processes
- Documented policies
- Canned emails
- FAQs and their answers
This is the general list of what your toolkit should include. You should make time every 3-6 months to update the contents.
The original version of this post was published May 26, 2019 via The Sunday Snatch