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The Naming Convention System

The Naming Convention System

Today I want to [re]introduce you to a system that saves my sanity on a daily basis. When I stick to the system, I can find anything on my computer, on my sites and within my cloud storage accounts whether I put it in its right place or not. This system is the...
Barter Smarter

Barter Smarter

Barter: bar•ter verb ‘bär-t?r : to trade by exchanging one commodity for another Bartering has been around since the dawn of man. It can be quite beneficial in a variety of ways, especially when cash is short. Personally, I see nothing wrong with bartering....
3 Customer Service Mistakes Biz Owners Make

3 Customer Service Mistakes Biz Owners Make

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in business, customer service can make the difference between profits and losses. Getting it right up front can save you a lot of time and money in damage control. I’ve been around long enough to see the...