Why create your brand toolbox? Because the key to living your best brand life and not having to go back and forth with clients is to be prepared. Being prepared runs alongside being organized. Being organized can be the difference between a campaign, feature, or new...
What’s a Service Guide? Your Service Guide is a page or section on your site OR a downloadable PDF that contains information on: Who you are Who you work with What you do How you do it How to work with you Ideally your website will do this as well, but your...
Mercury Retrograde doesn’t have to be awful… Every year I make it a point to mark the dates when Mercury turns retrograde so that I can prepare for it. For a long while I dreaded whenever I heard the words “Mercury Retrograde”; I avoided...
Barter: bar•ter verb ‘bär-t?r : to trade by exchanging one commodity for another Bartering has been around since the dawn of man. It can be quite beneficial in a variety of ways, especially when cash is short. Personally, I see nothing wrong with bartering....
Today I want to [re]introduce you to a system that saves my sanity on a daily basis. When I stick to the system, I can find anything on my computer, on my sites and within my cloud storage accounts whether I put it in its right place or not. This system is the...